Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Lighting Photos

  1.  fifty-fifty

    Sophomore Morgan Guyton poses for a picture after school. Guyton was waiting for Autumn Golden's mother with Caitlyn Gummeson.

  2.  window light (daytime)
         Five month old Chrisitan Scott looks out the window. Scott was sitting in Autumn Golden's lap in a Baskin Robbins parking lot.
  3. cookie cutter
     Five month old Christian Scott cries before being fed. Scott cried most of the day because no one would hold him.
  4. transmitted light
     A single biology textbook sits at a table at Williams Memorial United Methodist Church. The book was left by freshman Sarah Bilimek.
  5. golden hour
     A pile of hay with pumpkins on top sits in the field infront of Williams church. The youth had an activity night in the pumkpin patch.
  6. hard shadow
     A Harry Styles figurine collects dust on Autumn Golden's dresser. Golden had "no where else" to put them.
  7. soft shadow 
    A Louis Tomlinson figurine collects dust on the other side of Autumn Golden's dresser. Tomlinson was Golden's favorite member of One Direction.
  8.  silhoutte
     Autumn Golden holds a rose to her face. Golden got this rose at the Rosebuds dinner where she found out her big sister was Celeste Anderson.
  9. texture 
     A lone rose lays on Autumn Golden's kitchen counter before being thrown in the trash. The rose was dying for about a week before it was thrown away.
  10. window light (nighttime)
     A small portion of light enters Autumn Golden's bedroom window through her blackout curtains. On Golden's street, there on only one streetlight which just came back on two weeks ago after being out for two and a half months.

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