Monday, November 14, 2016

30 Photo Challenge (11-15-16)

  1.  A dying tree sits in the AT&T parking lot. This tree was completely green except for the red and brown leaves in the middle.
  2.  Sophomore Ashyki Paxton stands in front of the annual bonfire at Texas High. The bonfire is lit every year to celebrate the years graduating class. 

  3.  A pack of Sour Punch Straws sit in a car dashboard. The candy was given out to the Texas High band after the Veterans Day Parade on Saturday Nov. 12.
  4.  A ceramic turkey sits on a dining room table. This turkey is a thanksgiving decoration that is put out at the Petty house every year. 
  5. An empty yard sits outside a window in Wake Village. This yard was just finished being raked.
  6. Everyday I open my fridge to get something to eat for breakfast. This fridge was recently filled with pancakes, cheese grits and bacon. 
  7.  A fake Yeti cup is filled with ice water. This specific cup has been filled with ice water everyday since Oct. 31. 
  8.  Sophomore Autumn Golden stands inside of Williams Memorial United Methodist Church. Golden had just drove by herself for the first time in the WMUMC parking lot.
  9. A pond at the Cornerstone Assisted Living Center sits drying up because of the lack of rain. The pond has recently been going under construction. 
  10.  Senior Michelle Moser poses for a picture in the bandhall. Moser was very happy after she found out why this picture was taken.
  11. A turned off car turns to E. This car was just parked for the first time by Sophomore Autumn Golden.
  12. Some tricycles sit in the WMUMC play space. This church is also a preschool/nursery. 
  13. Two women walk in the Target Parking lot. Saturday was a very cool day prompting some to get out and exercise.
  14.  The November-December "Upper Room" devotional book sits on a stand at WMUMC. The Petty family used to read this every night. 
  15.  Sophomore Autumn Golden sits in her recliner in the living room watching "The Originals". Golden had just woken up. 
  16.  Sophomore Morgan Guyton tends to her wound after being hit. Guyton was messing around with fellow Sophomore Caitlyn Gummeson. 
  17.  A jar of candy sits on a desk at WMUMC. Sophomore Autumn Golden's favorite taffy is the vanilla tootsie roll. 
  18. Ice with blue, green and yellow food coloring is held by Autumn Golden. Golden was messing around in the baking cabinet and started to play with the food coloring. 
  19.  Sophomore Autumn Golden cut her finger at the playoff game on Friday Nov. 11. Golden did not get a bandaid until Saturday morning at 2:30am. 
  20.  A piano at WMUMC sits unplayed. This piano is played on Sunday mornings for the children's church. 
  21. A dying tree sits in the WMUMC field. Autumn has officially started.
  22.  A knee cap stabilizer sits on Sophomore Autumn Golden's bed. Golden dislocated her knee cap on August 3, 2015 during summer band.
  23.  An Egyptian hieroglyph sits in Golden's hallway. Golden's stepsister made this painting while she was still in high school. 
  24.  A Texas High band jacket is laid out on a car dashboard. The jacket was just taken off after the Veterans Day Parade. 
  25.  A triple mirror is opened and closed rapidly.  This mirror is the the hallway bathroom in Golden's house. 
  26.  Sophomore Sydney Stewart gave Autumn Golden a bath bomb and face mask for her 16th birthday. Golden turned sixteen on Oct. 31. 
  27.  Sophomores Caitlyn Gummeson, Morgan Guyton and Alyssia Edwards wait outside of WMUMC waiting for a ride. There was a STUCO meeting at the church on Monday Nov. 14.
  28. Sophomore Alyssia Edwards wears a camouflage shirt. Edwards was attending Community Cafe followed by a STUCO meeting. 
  29. An AP World History book lays open with a set of not yet started notes. This is the hardest class for many Sophomores. 
  30.  A dying tree sits in the AT&T parking lot. This tree's life is over just like this is. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Lighting Photos

  1.  fifty-fifty

    Sophomore Morgan Guyton poses for a picture after school. Guyton was waiting for Autumn Golden's mother with Caitlyn Gummeson.

  2.  window light (daytime)
         Five month old Chrisitan Scott looks out the window. Scott was sitting in Autumn Golden's lap in a Baskin Robbins parking lot.
  3. cookie cutter
     Five month old Christian Scott cries before being fed. Scott cried most of the day because no one would hold him.
  4. transmitted light
     A single biology textbook sits at a table at Williams Memorial United Methodist Church. The book was left by freshman Sarah Bilimek.
  5. golden hour
     A pile of hay with pumpkins on top sits in the field infront of Williams church. The youth had an activity night in the pumkpin patch.
  6. hard shadow
     A Harry Styles figurine collects dust on Autumn Golden's dresser. Golden had "no where else" to put them.
  7. soft shadow 
    A Louis Tomlinson figurine collects dust on the other side of Autumn Golden's dresser. Tomlinson was Golden's favorite member of One Direction.
  8.  silhoutte
     Autumn Golden holds a rose to her face. Golden got this rose at the Rosebuds dinner where she found out her big sister was Celeste Anderson.
  9. texture 
     A lone rose lays on Autumn Golden's kitchen counter before being thrown in the trash. The rose was dying for about a week before it was thrown away.
  10. window light (nighttime)
     A small portion of light enters Autumn Golden's bedroom window through her blackout curtains. On Golden's street, there on only one streetlight which just came back on two weeks ago after being out for two and a half months.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Photo Story

At the Four States fair, the ferris wheel over looks the entire event. The fair was here from September 9th through 18th. "I love getting on the ferris wheel as soon as I get there so I can see where everything is." Caitlyn Gummeson said. 

The SuperShot is a popular fair ride in which the rider rises several feet in the air and suddenly falls.
This was the second most popular ride behind the Zipper and the Orbiter.
Sopohmore Caitlyn Gummeson squints in the low 5 o clock sun. Gummeson had just gotten off of the Jungle Twist and was trying to regain her balance.

The Himilaya is a ride for all ages, with cart seats for two that spin very fast around a portrait of a snowy mountain. This ride was located at the back of the fair.
Sophomore Morgan Guyton drink her ice tea from Slim Chicken's trying to soothe her throat after screaming on the Freak Out. Slim's had a deal of a 2 dollar drink with 1 dollar refills.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

30 Photos











Old People





A camera


Black and White



Up Close




