- A dying tree sits in the AT&T parking lot. This tree was completely green except for the red and brown leaves in the middle.
- Sophomore Ashyki Paxton stands in front of the annual bonfire at Texas High. The bonfire is lit every year to celebrate the years graduating class.
- A pack of Sour Punch Straws sit in a car dashboard. The candy was given out to the Texas High band after the Veterans Day Parade on Saturday Nov. 12.
- A ceramic turkey sits on a dining room table. This turkey is a thanksgiving decoration that is put out at the Petty house every year.
- An empty yard sits outside a window in Wake Village. This yard was just finished being raked.
- Everyday I open my fridge to get something to eat for breakfast. This fridge was recently filled with pancakes, cheese grits and bacon.
- A fake Yeti cup is filled with ice water. This specific cup has been filled with ice water everyday since Oct. 31.
- Sophomore Autumn Golden stands inside of Williams Memorial United Methodist Church. Golden had just drove by herself for the first time in the WMUMC parking lot.
- A pond at the Cornerstone Assisted Living Center sits drying up because of the lack of rain. The pond has recently been going under construction.
- Senior Michelle Moser poses for a picture in the bandhall. Moser was very happy after she found out why this picture was taken.
- A turned off car turns to E. This car was just parked for the first time by Sophomore Autumn Golden.
- Some tricycles sit in the WMUMC play space. This church is also a preschool/nursery.
- Two women walk in the Target Parking lot. Saturday was a very cool day prompting some to get out and exercise.
- The November-December "Upper Room" devotional book sits on a stand at WMUMC. The Petty family used to read this every night.
- Sophomore Autumn Golden sits in her recliner in the living room watching "The Originals". Golden had just woken up.
- Sophomore Morgan Guyton tends to her wound after being hit. Guyton was messing around with fellow Sophomore Caitlyn Gummeson.
- A jar of candy sits on a desk at WMUMC. Sophomore Autumn Golden's favorite taffy is the vanilla tootsie roll.
- Ice with blue, green and yellow food coloring is held by Autumn Golden. Golden was messing around in the baking cabinet and started to play with the food coloring.
- Sophomore Autumn Golden cut her finger at the playoff game on Friday Nov. 11. Golden did not get a bandaid until Saturday morning at 2:30am.
- A piano at WMUMC sits unplayed. This piano is played on Sunday mornings for the children's church.
- A dying tree sits in the WMUMC field. Autumn has officially started.
- A knee cap stabilizer sits on Sophomore Autumn Golden's bed. Golden dislocated her knee cap on August 3, 2015 during summer band.
- An Egyptian hieroglyph sits in Golden's hallway. Golden's stepsister made this painting while she was still in high school.
- A Texas High band jacket is laid out on a car dashboard. The jacket was just taken off after the Veterans Day Parade.
- A triple mirror is opened and closed rapidly. This mirror is the the hallway bathroom in Golden's house.
- Sophomore Sydney Stewart gave Autumn Golden a bath bomb and face mask for her 16th birthday. Golden turned sixteen on Oct. 31.
- Sophomores Caitlyn Gummeson, Morgan Guyton and Alyssia Edwards wait outside of WMUMC waiting for a ride. There was a STUCO meeting at the church on Monday Nov. 14.
- Sophomore Alyssia Edwards wears a camouflage shirt. Edwards was attending Community Cafe followed by a STUCO meeting.
- An AP World History book lays open with a set of not yet started notes. This is the hardest class for many Sophomores.
- A dying tree sits in the AT&T parking lot. This tree's life is over just like this is.
Monday, November 14, 2016
30 Photo Challenge (11-15-16)
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